Industry Experience Program

Don’t just prepare yourself for what exists. Equip yourself for what is yet to come!

Emerging Asia’s- Emerging Asia, Industry Experience Program is a full-time 30 days program. In an intensive month long immersion program we take you across latest existing technologies in use in modern day workplaces and prepare you for the industrial revolution 4.0.

You gain an advantage over your peers through not just learning things by listening but doing them yourself. This is an exhaustive practical training program which will challenge you every moment to compete against yourself.

Emerging Asia IEP is not only about technical training, you will cherish it as a fond memory even long after you leave. It is about the moments that you will share with a thousand students with the similar career goal as yours. Give yourself an opportunity to get hands-on experience on machines and tools you were yet to learn about, engage in group discussions, network with like-minded people and interact with some of the highly esteemed leaders of Industry.

In this cross-flow of ideas and an environment where application of cutting edge technology is the prime concern, you will be inspired to take on both technical and non-technical tasks. In the process, you are not only bound to learn but also create a deep rooted impact about how to guide yourself across the career path. You will not only learn the mentioned courseware, but will also get an opportunity to explore the industry and scopes available for you.

Emerging Asia IEP will launch you on a journey unparalleled in its make. We will help you arrive at what you have always wanted to do as a technocrat. The professionalism you will experience will bring you in synchronization with the current industry demand. We improve your skills as a quick learner and doer for the industry but most importantly it’s the attitude that we press on. We will support you in discovering your hidden talents.

Through our exhaustive scientifically researched program we catalyze your journey in being more creative, innovative and become a problem solver. With us, you will discover the beauty that lies ahead for you to be explored. You will not only learn business ethics, intellectual property rights and patent rules but will also learn Integrity, Righteousness and gain a sense of responsibility. The program will give you space to explore yourself, your desires, your value in Industry and above all will give you an idea about the road ahead.

We hope to transform every moment that you spend here into a happy memory. You will be allowed to network with thousands of dynamic like-minded people just like yourself. These people come from different zones of India and surrounding countries. This is your opportunity to create a friend circle with amazing people and learn from their diversified thinking.

The theme of the 30 day program will revolve around the course modules mentioned here: Kindly Click

Learners may pursue either Core Engineering subjects or IT subjects based on their liking and their career aspiration.

Students in pre-final or final year of engineering and freshers. The program is designed irrespective of your stream of specialization. However, after the first 2 week, you can choose your stream of liking i.e either Information Technology or Core Engineering. Core Engineering will focus on nuances in an Industrial Production Environment, Industrial Automation, Robotics, Mechatronics, Electronics, Communication, Electrical, Instrumentation, Power Controls, Clean energy and Intelligent Systems. IT stream will cater to themes like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Technology and Latest in Programming Languages.

Inquisitiveness to Learn, Unlearn and Explore. Basic understanding of English language and Secondary school level Mathematics. We will start with a perspective that you are new to industrial interface.

  • 30 days Industrial Training or Internship Certificate from Emerging Asia Technologies
  • Deep understanding and expertise into some of the latest Industrial Technologies
  • Amazing friends, mentors and memories for lifetime

All Programs have been highly subsidized. Know more Click Here:

90% of our students are on some form of the scholarship. Scholarships go upto 90% of the total Training Fee


    My personal experience with Emerging Asia's Industrial Experience Program has been incredible. All the trainers have been exceptionally supportive. Unlike all other training programs, I feel this one has imparted me knowledge about real industrial problems and scopes. This has been a really enriching experience.
    - Abhishek, BITS Pilani, India
    I enjoyed the interactions during the Industrial experience program. I made some of my best friends in that stay of 30 days. We learned to balance work and our lives. We were busy with our trainings from 9am till 3pm. We participated in almost all sporting events during those 30 days. Come weekend and we never missed a group trip to the mountains nearby. Faculties were extremely cooperative, very talented and highly motivating. I continue to seek mentorship from some of them till today. It was one of the best experiences during my college days.
    - Ravi, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
    I pursued Emerging Asia's Industrial Experience Program in 2010 for my summer training. The program was academically rigorous and an eye opener for me. It helped me land into my dream job at Siemens and later at HP. I was an introvert. The program also helped me in personality development and open up with people.
    - Veenus, Banasthali Vidyapeeth, India
    I pursued 3 certification programs under Emerging Asia program of Emerging Asia in 2009, 10 and 11. The programs were intense and opened my imagination towards what technology could do to transform the world. The faculties were very experienced and taught us everything practically. I think these programs were a turning point which gave me both confidence and skill using which I could start my ngo. We work on developing small technology based tools focused on making life of those in rural India easy.
    - Shekhar, Manipal University, India
    I pursued Emerging Asia’s Expert Transformation Program in 2012. I worked on industrial Automation, Robotics & AI. The experience in one word was amazing! I learnt everything working on the field. Initially, I worked on tech, then business development and strategy. Probably, I learnt in 12 months, what would have normally taken me 3-5 years. All team members were motivating and helping.
    • - Arvind, Anna University, India
    I pursued Emerging Asia’s Industrial Experience Program in 2012 for my summer training. The program is rightly unparalleled in depth and breadth as they say. It launched me on a journey of imagination backed by an efficient methodology to realize them. Three things I will cherish about the program forever- friends it gave me, faculties and passion for technology.  I’m about to join as a technology blogger for one of the World’s leading tech magazine.
    • - Amit, National University of Singapore

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  • "I pursued Emerging Asia's Industrial Experience Program in 2010 for my summer training. The program was academically rigorous and an eye opener for me. It helped me land into my dream job at Siemens and later at HP. I was an introvert. The program also helped me in personality development and open up with people. ”

    Banasthali Vidyapeeth, India
  • "I pursued 3 certification programs under Emerging Asia programs of Emerging Asia in 2009, 10 and 11. The programs were intense and opened my imagination towards what technology could do to transform the world. The faculties were very experienced and taught us everything practically. I think these programs were a turning point which gave me both confidence and skill using which I could start my ngo. We work on developing small technology based tools focused on making life of those in rural India easy.”

    Manipal University, India
  • "I pursued Emerging Asia's Expert Transformation Program in 2012. I worked on industrial Automation, Robotics & AI. The experience in one word was amazing! I learnt everything working on the field. Initially, I worked on tech, then business development and strategy. Probably, I learnt in 12 months, what would have normally taken me 3-5 years. All team members were motivating and helping. ”

    Anna University, India
  • "I pursued Emerging Asia's Industrial Experience Program in 2012 for my summer training. The program is rightly unparalleled in depth and breadth as they say. It launched me on a journey of imagination backed by an efficient methodology to realize them. Three things I will cherish about the program forever- friends it gave me, faculties and passion for technology. I’m about to join as a technology blogger for one of the World’s leading tech magazine.”

    National University of Singapore
  • "My personal experience with Emerging Asia's Industrial Experience Program has been incredible. All the trainers have been exceptionally supportive. Unlike all other training programs, I feel this one has imparted me knowledge about real industrial problems and scopes. This has been a really enriching experience.”

    BITS Pilani, India
  • "I enjoyed the interactions during the Industrial experience program. I made some of my best friends in that stay of 30 days. We learned to balance work and our lives. We were busy with our trainings from 9am till 3pm. We participated in almost all sporting events during those 30 days. Come weekend and we never missed a group trip to the mountains nearby. Faculties were extremely cooperative, very talented and highly motivating. I continue to seek mentorship from some of them till today. It was one of the best experiences during my college days.”

    Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia